Rutland Logs
Rutland Logs

About us

We are always pleased to answer any queries you may have. Please feel free to ring us anytime between 7.30am and 6pm weekdays and 7:30am to Noon on Saturday.  Alternatively please use the enquiry form on the Contact Us page.


James Bodily

As the owner of Rutland Logs I know the area well as I was born and bred in Rutand and have worked here all of my life. I therefore wish to provide an excellent service to homes and businesses in the locality.

Sarah Bodily

I too was born, married and have spent much of my life living in Rutland. I assist James at Rutland Logs.

(01780) 410777  or 07748 244689

Business Hours      7.30 am to  6pm Monday to Friday.


Hooby Lodge Farm

Stretton Rd




LE15 7RH





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© Rutland Logs 2016